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Thank you for considering a donation to Dylan’s Wings of Change. We cannot achieve our mission to foster empathy and build genuine connections between humans without your valuable support. You will create your own butterfly effect by enabling more students and schools to access our unique Wingman youth leadership program.

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Wingman Programs 
accessible to all.

This spreads your contribution and provides stable and continuous support for our programs.

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Get in touch if you'd like to help raise money for our mission.

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Have you considered becoming a monthly recurring donor?

This spreads your contribution and provides stable and continuous support for our programs.

Dylan’s Wings Of Change is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to the memory of Dylan Hockley, one of the first grade victims of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.

The Wingman Movement was

founded by Dylan’s Wings Of Change.

Help keep our Wingman programs 
accessible to all.

© 2022 Dylan's Wings of Change. All Rights Reserved

Dylan's Wings of Change is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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